Armed with a text editor

mu's views on program and recipe! design

Here are some Epiphany extensions that I have written. Copy the .py and the .ephy-extension files in pairs to your ~/.gnome2/epiphany/extensions folder, then turn them on from the Extension Manager in the Tools menu.

Strip Zero Width spaces from URLs you try to load

This one has some behavior issues, but (sometimes) does the job I needed. If you fix the broken back-button issue, please let me know.

Reworked to apply to pasting to the location bar; this seems to work a lot better:

Modifications of Only One Close Button

I liked the main part of Stefan Stuhr's Only One Close Button, but decided I preferred having a close button on the active tab. Turns out Christian Persch had already written this, but it doesn't work well with Stefan's extension. Here I have split it up so you can enable or disable pieces as you wish. Be aware that some of these conflict, and may do odd things if enabled together.