redeye - rebirth?

Redeye is being rewritten to use library burning support instead of external application support. Unfortunately said libraries aren't quite ready yet. Once they are, redeye should follow shortly. You can peek on its progress in the subversion repository which carries its code that is being developed in a Test-Driven-Development fashion.

The versions below represent earlier work. Version 0.0.19 is quite usable, but version 0.0.20 broke in the aim of getting much better, and lost too much focus.

Redeye - at 0.0.19

Redeye is a pre-alpha CD burning front end. Right now it works for Michael, at least for burning single session data CDs. It now has verification support for data sessions, but it still occasionally allows you to do stupid things. Try not to. He'll fix it sometime.

In the meantime, grab the source and the optional images icon-*.png from and give it a whirl. Note that you may have to run this program with elevated permissions to access cdrecord's capabilities.

Or look at the screenshots:

From version 0.0.14 (pre-alpha)

RedEye - 0.0.20pre3

RedEye is getting a major internal rewrite before its first release. If you want a functional burning program, stick with 0.0.19 for now. If you're here to see where it's going, or to help me, go ahead and grab .20pre3 and enjoy.

This new version does not yet have any burning capabilities. Fear not, they're coming. I'm just ironing out the interface (internal DND works perfectly now; preferences are back, but under a menu) and internal organization. You can already see how the interface is easier to use, but not yet any less powerful. And yes, it's changed to better represent the logical layout of a real CD.