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mu's views on program and recipe! design

Cankiri 0.2 Posted 2006.08.06 09:01 PDT (#)

I've just released Cankiri 0.2. It's not all that different from 0.1, as most of the changes are to improve the user experience by decreasing unnecessary clicks.

I've made the assumption that when you start Cankiri you want to record, so instead of waiting for you to click the icon, it will automatically bring up the save dialog. I've also added fallbacks so that if you don't have a place for the notification area icon, it will create a little window for just its icon. This isn't pretty, but it ensures that if you can start a recording you can also stop it. The actual recording is then the same. If it worked for you in 0.1, it should still work; if it didn't work, I doubt it will suddenly start working. Let me know if any of these assumptions are a problem for you. I think next release I'll add command line arguments so defaults can be changed; if so I'll probably allow deferring the save dialog.

I have not been able to address a problem in the area selector. Both my friend Pete, and bloodsk are unable to resize it. Pete uses KDE with xinerama on FreeBSD where not only can he not resize the area selector, it shades the part inside. But when he tried Metacity without xinerama it was still immobile. Bloodsk reports being on Ubuntu Dapper, and hopefully will follow up here with what window manager or unusual X settings he might be using.

Categories: cankiri