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Fixing im-ja Posted 2007.07.06 23:16 PDT (#)

My favorite Japanese input method for gtk+, im-ja, broke when I updated to Debian's gtk+ 2.10 packages. Since there's no upstream activity to speak of (much less new packages), and I can't seem to find this on the web anywhere else, here's the solution I eventually found. No doubt there's a better one out there that updates the package to use the new debhelper support for gtkimmodules to create this file, but I made mine by hand:

% cat /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodule-files.d/imja.immodules 
# edited by hand
"im-ja" "Japanese" "gtk+" "/usr/share/locale" "ja"

I had tried compiling a new version of the existing package that would go into the 2.10.0 immodules folder, but that didn't help. When I wired that version up with the slight mode to the above file, it crashed applications that tried to use it. But the original im-ja package is still kicking!

Categories: debian gtk+ japanese