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mu's views on program and recipe! design

April 2007

ReReplayGain Posted 2007.04.07 20:16 PDT

After ending up with too many MP3 files without proper ReplayGain information, and knowing that mp3gain doesn't suit my needs quite right, I went jonesing around in GStreamer once again. Today was my lucky day, though; René Stadler had created a GStreamer element which calculates ReplayGain.

In what's starting to feel usual, Debian doesn't have up to date versions of the software I want to use in either testing or unstable, but this hasn't prevented the maintainer from packaging what I want to use and mirroring it in experimental. After downloading and installing it, I was good to go. First I put together a command-line example of the process, to make sure I knew what was required. Then I munged it into a plugin for Quod Libet.

There's still something fishy about it, as MP3s which I have previously found peak values for above 1.0 are now being reported capped to 1.0; Ogg Vorbis files, on the other hand, correctly exceed this cap and run presumably all the way to 2.0. I hope to clarify my understanding of this probable GStreamer bug shortly, as other than that all values match what I've seen before. I'm quite pleased the results of tonight's work.

(4 Comments ) (0 Trackbacks) gstreamer python quodlibet

July 2006

Cankiri 0.1 Posted 2006.07.29 23:21 PDT

As if I didn't have enough other projects on my hands, I've just put enough finishing touches on Cankiri to release it into the wild licensed under the GPLv2. It came about after looking at Istanbul around version 1.2 and being disgusted with the limited features and overengineering in the code. Come on, you don't need two directories and at least five files for this functionality. Really. Since then both Istanbul and I have added screen area selectors and audio recording. I've got all my code in one 400 line file; Istanbul now spans many more files. Where this really shows: ls -l.

It's amazing how concise you can be with python once you know what you're doing. I hope you find Cankiri easy to use, as a single-file distribution leaves no room for documentation. Let me know what you think.

(All the jabs at Istanbul's code aside, I'm very grateful for the GStreamer plumbing I've been able to take and reapply. Since I've yet to really learn GStreamer, this has been critical for me.)

(15 Comments ) (2 Trackbacks) cankiri gstreamer python