Chichiri's Guide to Bleach
Season 3

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Season 3

  1. Release the Death Blow!
  2. Orihime is Targetted
  3. Break Through! The Shinigami's Closing Net
  4. Renji Blocks Them
  5. The Resolution to Kill
  6. A Star and a Stray Dog
  7. Miracle! The Mysterious New Hero
  8. The Tragedy at Dawn
  9. Aizen Assassinated! Darkness Approaches Unnoticed
  10. Kenpachi Zaraki Draws Near!
  11. Motive for the Fist
  12. Desparate Situation! Zangetsu is Broken
  13. The Immortal Man

General Overview


In Depth Summaries

  1. (+) Release the Death Blow!
    Corresponding Manga Chapters - chapter 88 and chapter 89 (*)
    Characters Appearing - Yumichika Ayasegawa, Gin Ichimaru, Orihime Inoue, Uryuu Ishida, Itzuru Kira, Rukia Kuchiki, Ichigo Kurosaki, Yachiru Kusajishi, Ikkaku Madarame, Yasutora "Chad" Sado, Ganjuu Shiba, Yoruichi Shihouin, Kisuke Urahara, Hanatarou Yamada, Kenpachi Zaraki
    Kidou - none
    Locations - Court of Pure Souls, Shrine of Penitence
    Released Soul Cutters - Fujikujaku, Hoozukimaru, Zangetsu Relevant Terminology - 3rd Division, shinigami

    The episode starts with more alarms going off in the Court of Pure Souls as Yoruichi watches a bunch of lackies running around looking for the intruders. The silly lackeys go the wrong way, though, and end up having to backtrack. After that Yoruichi runs off. We then see the title: this time it's the Court of Pure Souls.

    Next we're introduced to a new characer: Hanatarou Yamada. He's slowly carrying a meal to Rukia, ignoring the mass panic of other shinigami running all around him. He gets very dizzy and is lucky not to drop the tray. At last he reaches Rukia's cell, but she's not sitting in the chair. Then a woman shows up and asks what he's doing. He didn't realize she had been transferred and is so shocked that the tray rattles in his hands. The guard asks what's wrong, but he says nothing. The guard then tells him to hurry back to his division because orders regarding the intruders have been issued. When she leaves, Hanatarou drops the tray on the ground.

    In the Shrine of Penitence Rukia is wondering what that light in the sky was yesterday. She can't sense any spirit auras there and wonders if it was really Ichigo.

    Next we get a review of last episode's events: Ichigo smashing a wall and saying that next Ikkaku will be the one who can't hold his sword. Ikkaku responds that Ichigo talks big and resumes attacking. Ichigo dodges the attack, and when he attacks Hoozukimaru's chain, it rejoins so that Zangetsu is pressing against the spear body. Ikkaku then says Ichigo is the one who's not going to be able to hold his sword, and although Ichigo doesn't get hurt again, he does pushed back. Ichigo then manages to block an attack, and when Ikkaku jumps on a rooftop, hits the wall, making the roof collapse. He then gets knocked off his feet by an attack. Ikkaku then cockily asks if all Ichigo can do is bluff and that there's no way a rookie could keep up with Hoozukimaru's ever-changing form. Ichigo says that's wrong and he's already getting the hang of it, and to prove it he drops some material from the pompom at the end of the "spear." Only then Ikkaku realizes the end of Hoozukimaru is damaged and is stunned that Ichigo was able to stop it with one hand.

    Next we see Zaraki with Yachiru on his back running through the streets. Yachiru tells him to make a turn and Zaraki comments they've been running for awhile and haven't seen anyone. Yachiru says it's fine and they end up turning into a dead end. Yachiru tells them to go back, and Zaraki is a bit skeptical of her directions.

    Next we see Inoue and Ishida peering around a corner and quickly pulling back as a bunch of shinigami gather. Ishida comments that finding Rukia or Ichigo will be difficult because a lot of shinigami where gather wherever there's a large ruckus. He then starts trying to figure out what to do, and asks Inoue what she thinks, but she's no longer there. He then sees Inoue running at him, chased by a ton of shinigami. They both start running but then Ishida stops. Inoue says she'll fight, too, but Ishida says to leave it to him. Then two more large groups of shinigami starts running at them from two different directions. Inoue wonders if Ishida can win against all three groups when Ishida tells her to run. The three groups of shinigami stupidly crash into each other.

    Chad, still in the tree, notices the dust from the shinigami pursuing Inoue and Ishida and takes off after them.

    Back with Ichigo and Ikkaku, Ikkaku is still stunned by the damage to Hoozukimaru. Ichigo comments that he's too surprised and wonders if he still wants to fight. He then says if Ikkaku isn't going to attack, then he will. He then jumps in the air. And after the commercial break, we see the attack hit the body of Hoozukimaru with a huge blast. Ichigo simply cut through one of Hoozukimaru's sections and lands a direct hit straight down Ikkaku's chest. Ikkaku claims that he can still fight though and starts swinging the "spearhead" section of Hoozukimaru over his head, saying that the only way he'll admit to not being able to hold his soul cutter is if his hands are cut off. Ichigo tells him to put down the weapon and Ikkaku refuses. Ichigo says he's lost and to back down, but Ikkaku says he won't back down from a fight and moves in to attack.

    In Ichigo's mind's eye he can see Urahara doing the same thing and he shouts that Ikkaku is too slow. He breaks off Hoozukimaru close to where Ikkaku is holding it and slices a gash up Ikkaku's sword arm. Ikkaku comments that Ichigo was too strong and collapses. We then see that blood has seaped through the bandage around Ichigo's arm.

    Next we see Ganjuu running. He stops, confused by the lack of pursuit. We then see Yumichika running on a rooftop behind Ganjuu. Ganjuu notices him at the last moment, barely avoiding an attack. Yumichika then asks how long he plans on running. Ganjuu draws his stubby broken-off blade and replies until Yumichika gives up. Yumichika tells him to stop and end it. Ganjuu pulls a bomb out of what resembles a fanny pack on his back and lights it using the flint on his hand guards. He throws it and the whole area is covered in smoke. But it backfires and Ganjuu starts coughing and having watery eyes as well as Yumichika. Because they can't see, both nearly fall into a pit, with Ganjuu hanging on the edge of the pit and Yumichika hanging on Ganjuu's fanny pack.

    Next we see Ikkaku coming to. Ichigo stupidly waited with him and comments that soul cutters revert to their sealed forms when the user is conscious. Ikkaku immediate demands that Ichigo return his soul cutter, but the only reason Ichigo took it was to use the medicine Ikkaku stores inside it. It turns out all of it got used up because he also used it on Ikkaku's wounds. Ikkaku is embarassed to be saved by his enemy. Ichigo then asks him where Rukia is.

    Next we see Ganjuu and Yumichika. Ganjuu can't hang on anymore and they end up falling into the pit... Only to discover it's full of smelly trashbags and there's a ladder so they can easily climb out. Yumichika is mad that he's in such a smelly place and starts slashing at Ganjuu. Ganjuu quickly climbs out and starts running again.

    Meanwhile, Ikkaku's shocked to learn they're there to rescue her, and even more shocked to hear the party only consists of 5 people and a cat. (During this we see scenes of Rukia in her cell and Ishida, Inoue, Chad, and Yoruichi running in the streets and rooftops avoiding shinigami.) However, he gives Ichigo directions. He tells Ichigo he doesn't care what they're up to and tells Ichigo before someone comes and sees him. But just as Ichigo is about to leave, Ikkaku asks who the strongest intruder is. Ichigo says it's more or less him, and Ikkaku warns Ichigo to beware of his captain, Kenpachi Zaraki, because the guy will most likely seek Ichigo out.

    After the "To Be Continued" we see is Zaraki and Yachiru still hopelessly lost, with Yachiru telling them to go back the way they came.

    This week the ending animation is of Itzuru Kira and Gin Ichimaru, the 3rd division's lieutenant and captain respectively. The character of the day is Yachiru

    Differences in chapter 88 and chapter 89:
    • The scene with Yoruichi watching the shinigami run around didn't happen.
    • The scene with Hanatarou didn't happen.
    • The scene with Rukia didn't happen.
    • Ikkaku attacks only a few times before Ichigo grabs the pompom and damages Hoozukimaru. After that he attacks and Ikkaku is amazed at his speed. When Ikkaku blocks, Ichigo cuts through Hoozukimaru. (This happens without interruption).
    • The scene with Zaraki wandering with Yachiru happens later (after Ikkaku tells Ichigo about Zaraki).
    • The scene with Ishida and Inoue getting chased by shinigami didn't happen.
    • The scene with Chad noticing smoke and running to help didn't happen.
    • Fujikujaku doesn't get released until just before Ganjuu throws the smoke bomb.
    • Ganjuu and Yumichika don't nearly fall into the pit after Ganjuu uses his smoke bomb.
    • Rukia, Yoruichi, Chad, Inoue, and Ishida aren't shown when Ichigo talks about the intruders to Ikkaku.
    • The side story with Misao "Don" Kanonji, Ururu Tsumugiya, Jinta Hanakari, and Karin Kurosakiis left out. Don Kanonji proclaims himself the Gold Ranger, which upsets Jinta and Karin, who had both wanted to be red since that's the "main characer's" color.
  2. (+) Orihime is Targetted
    Corresponding Manga Chapters - chapter 89 to chapter 92
    Characters Appearing - Makizou Aramaki, Yumichika Ayasegawa, Jiroubou Ikkanzaka, Orihime Inoue, Uryuu Ishida, Rukia Kuchiki, Ichigo Kurosaki, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Nemu Kurotsuchi, Yachiru Kusajishi, Ikkaku Madarame, Yasutora "Chad" Sado, Ganjuu Shiba, Yoruichi Shihouin, Retsu Unohana, Hanatarou Yamada, Kenpachi Zaraki
    Kidou - Sebba, Shibashi Kisebahou: Senpenbanka, Shibashi Kisebahou Ougi: Renkansebbasen
    Locations - Court of Pure Souls, Shrine of Penitence
    Released Soul Cutters - Fujikujaku, Tsunzakigarasu
    Relevant Terminology - 4th Division, 11th Division, hell butterfly, hollow, kojaku, quincy, released, Shun Shun Rikka, soul cutter

    This episode opens with Ichigo running in search of Ganjuu and Yumichika (with a very poor mental image of Yumichika), but he can't find them anywhere. He stupidly starts shouting for Ganjuu and attracts the attention of a lot of shinigami in the process, who begin chasing him. We then see a funny overhead map view of Ichigo trying to flee the shinigami. Next it's the title screen: digital numbers with yellow dots running around (similar to the overhead map chase scene).

    Meanwhile Ganjuu is panting and bloody as he runs back into a dead end by a pit and Yumichika catches up to him. Yumichika says that you can't use spirit powers in the pit so getting out is that much harder and then attacks Ganjuu, he dodges, but ends up smacking into a wall. They can hear Ichigo shouting for Ganjuu in the distance. We then see a shot of Ichigo running from the shinigami. Yumichika wonders if he has a brain because it will just draw the attention of other shinigami. But Ganjuu correctly points out that if Ichigo is running around like that, it means he's already defeated Ikkaku. Yumichika denies that, and as he does Ganjuu takes some fireworks out of his fanny pack, lights them, tosses them in Yumichika's face, and runs off again. As he's running he chucks a ton of bombs at Yumichika, but Yumichika isn't phased a bit and gets a good kick in at Ganjuu's stomach as Ganjuu's turning on his hands. Ganjuu seems to have a plan, though, which calls for Yumichika underestimating him. But this goes sour when Yumichika suddenly appears behind Ganjuu and slices him before Ganjuu can dodge and he goes flying into the pit, only just barely managing to hang on with one hand. Yumichika approaches the edge of the pit to gloat, but this turns out to be just what Ganjuu had planned. He uses Sebba, and the ground underneath Yumichika turns to sand, causing him to slide into the pit, but he saves himself by grabbing the edge. Ganjuu then uses Yumichika to climb out of the pit and uses his final move as Yumichika climbs out as well. This move turns out to be a larger, more focused version of sebba, which causes nearly the entire side of the pit to tumble in the pit. Yumichika jumps off it at the last minute, and then Ganjuu chucks a big fireworks at him in the air. Not only does this get rid of Yumichika, but it also lets Ichigo, who has clobbered a pile of shinigami by this time, know where Ganjuu is.

    Ichigo isn't the only one to see the fireworks, either. Yachiru and Zaraki see it as well. Yachiru says they should have turned right after all since they had run into another dead end and Zaraki gets mad because she was the one who told him to turn that way in the first place. He kicks through a wall instead of doubling back and heads off in the direction of the fireworks. Ishida and Inoue, it turns out, are on a roof nearby and watch them go. Inoue's glad Zaraki didn't notice because he looks really strong. She then suggests they head to the white tower, but Ishida doesn't see it. When he looks to see which way she's pointing, he sees a huge shinigami standing beside her. Ishida barely manages to get Inoue out of danger's way before the shinigami slices downward with his soul cutter.

    As Yoruichi continues to run along the rooftops, he senses for the others and tells them to not die on him.

    After the commercial break Back with Jiroubou is counting and Inoue tells Ishida she's fine now. She was really impressed by how quickly he moved to pull her out of harm's way and she thinks he's changed quite a bit. Finally Jiroubou reaches 10 and says the time for letting them regret is up and then he attacks them. After the attack, Ishida says he's the opponent, but Jiroubou tosses sand in his eyes and Ishida nearly falls off the roof. He says he's the one who choses his opponent, and he's chosen Inoue. He attacks a couple more times and Ishida tells her to run, but Inoue has dodged them and thinks she mustn't run. She needs to fight and help out Ichigo. She then sends in Tsubaki (the offensive member of the Shun Shun Rikka), but he gets cut by Jiroubou's soul cutter and scolds her for using such a weak attack. Jiroubou says that it's his first time seeing such an attack, but it didn't have killing intent and wouldn't work on him even if it does work on hollows. He's about to kill her when Ishida shoots his hand with kojaku and says his bow is full of killing intent.

    In the shrine of penitence, Rukia notices and recognizes Hanatarou walking with a broom on the walkway below. The guards ask why he's there and he says he's there to clean. They refuse to let him in, though, and he's forced to leave.

    Meanwhile Ichigo is totally surrounded by shinigami and quickly gets piled by them. Somehow he manages to throw them off and runs for it and the shinigami follow him.

    Jiroubou asks if he's a quincy, while Inoue's shocked that Ishida's bow looks different. Now it attaches to the glove on his hand instead of the bracelet. She realizes he trained by himself using it and we see a brief flashback of him training. Jiroubou is amused that they're both airborn weapon users since his soul cutter, Tsunzakigarasu, is one as well and then releases it - revealing it it a large number of hovering, whirling two-bladed shuriken that move at Jiroubou's command. Finally he introduces himself as Jiroubou of the 7th division. He has the nickname "Kamaitachi" (which means a cut caused by whirlwind) since he has the strongest airborn soul cutter. Ishida, however, is not phased by that and rains down a storm of arrows on him, breaking every single one of the shuriken. Ishida says things are different here if the "strongest" is a babbling idiot. Jiroubou puts the hilt back to the sheath and draws more shuriken out so he can attack, Ishida shoots his hand and says today he'll take that nickname away, although he doesn't think it will sound that good with his name.

    Meanwhile, Mayuri Kurotsuchi is ordering shinigami to search in a certain direction. He tells them to not kill the intruders, though, but only trail them because he thinks they may make for interesting research. When they leave he thinks he can't really depend on them being interesting for research, though. His lieutenant, Nemu Kurotsuchi, notices a hell butterfly, which lands on her finger. Mayuri asks what its message is, and she says that Ikkaku has been attacked by the intruders and is getting medical care, but the intruders had left before the 4th division arrived, so the intruders' whereabouts are still unknown. Mayuri decides the intruders may be interesting after all and asks about Zaraki. Nemu replies that he's still looking for the intruders, so Mayuri figures Zaraki hasn't heard about it yet and decides to try to pry some information out of Ikkaku before Zaraki can. They then head off to where Ikkaku is.

    Next we see Yoruichi, still moving on the rooftops. He says he can sense Zaraki and wonders if he's on the move. Yoruichi then tells Ichigo to be careful. Ichigo, on the other hand, is still running and Rukia is sitting in her cell looking depressed. We then see Chad smashing through a wall with his right arm, when he hears shinigami shouting in the distance. Ganjuu is getting chased by a mob, screaming. Finally we see Ishida and Jiroubou facing each other.

    This week's ending shows the 11th division: Zaraki, Yachiru, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Makizou Aramaki, and a lot of unnamed shinigami (presumably most of those doing the chasing in this episode). The character of the day is Retsu Unohana.

    Differences in chapter 89 to 92:
    • The map chase scene isn't shown.
    • When we first see Ganjuu, he's leaning against a wall, panting with Yumichika standing over him.
    • The second scene with Ichigo getting chased isn't shown.
    • Zaraki and Yachiru aren't shown noticing the fireworks. Instead Ikkaku is shown seeing them and he realizes Yumichika also got defeated.
    • Ishida and Inoue watching Zaraki and Yachiru leave on a roof should happen at the beginning of this episode instead.
    • Ishida's clothes get torn from Jiroubou's first attack.
    • Ishida doesn't nearly fall off the roof.
    • The scene with Hanatarou trying to get into the Shrine of Penitence to clean isn't shown.
    • Ichigo doesn't get surrounded or piled.
    • The flashback of Ishida training isn't shown.
    • After Ishida says he'll take the nickname "Kamaitachi" Inoue imagines a play on that nickname. "Kama" can mean "scythe" and "itachi" can mean "weasel" in Japanese, so she pictures Ishida in a weasle suit wielding a pair of scythes.
    • The scenes with Mayuri and Nemu, Yoruichi on the roof, Ichigo running, Rukia in her cell, and Chad smashing through a wall weren't shown.
  3. (+) Break Through! The Shinigami's Closing Net
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  4. (+) Renji Blocks Them
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  5. (+) The Resolution to Kill
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  6. (+) A Star and a Stray Dog
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  7. (+) Miracle! The Mysterious New Hero
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  8. (+) The Tragedy at Dawn
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  9. (+) Aizen Assassinated! Darkness Approaches Unnoticed
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  10. (+) Kenpachi Zaraki Draws Near!
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  11. (+) Motive for the Fist
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  12. (+) Desparate Situation! Zangetsu is Broken
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!
  13. (+) The Immortal Man
    Corresponding Manga Chapters -
    Characters Appearing -
    Kidou -
    Locations -
    Released Soul Cutters -
    Relevant Terminology -

    Summary coming soon!

    Differences in chapter:
    • Nothing!